
TRAIL Newsletter #59 (LabEx TRAIL)

Envoyée le Monday 12 March 2018
par LabEx TRAIL
  TRAIL Laboratory of excellence, Translational Research and Advanced Imaging Laboratory 
Monday 12 March 2018

TRAIL publications

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FITTING project:

  • Camille Favre, Lucie de Cremoux, Jerome Badaut, and Frédéric Friscourt Sydnone Reporters for Highly Fluorogenic Copper-Free Click Ligations The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2018 83 (4), 2058-2066 DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.7b03004 Read here

GMCOG project:

  • Planche V, Koubiyr I, Romero JE, et al. Regional hippocampal vulnerability in early multiple sclerosis: Dynamic pathological spreading from dentate gyrus to CA1.Hum Brain Mapp.2018;00:1–11. Read here
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TRAIL - Logos partenaires

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Mentions légales - Labex Trail
Directeur de publication : Vincent Dousset / Responsable éditorial : Jean-François BAUGER
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