
TRAIL Newsletter #56 (LabEx TRAIL)

Envoyée le lundi 09 octobre 2017
par LabEx TRAIL
TRAIL Laboratory of excellence, Translational Research and Advanced Imaging Laboratory

lundi 09 octobre 2017

TRAIL publications

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ARM project:

  • B. D. d. Senneville et al., "Development of a fluid dynamic model for quantitative contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging," in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-1.

HRDTI project:

  • Pierrick Coupé, Gwenaelle Catheline, Enrique Lanuza, José Manjón. Towards a unified analysis of brain maturation and aging across the entire lifespan: A MRI analysis. Human Brain Mapping, Wiley, 2017.

  • Rémi Giraud, Vinh-Thong Ta, Aurélie Bugeau, Pierrick Coupé, Nicolas Papadakis. SuperPatchMatch:
    an Algorithm for Robust Correspondences using Superpixel Patches. IEEE Transactions on Image
    Processing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017.

ONCOFLUX project:

  • Bianchi A, Gobbo OL, Dufort S, et al. Orotracheal manganse-enhanced MRI (MEMRI): An effective approach for lung tumor detection. NMR in Biomedicine. 2017. e3790.

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Mentions légales - Labex Trail
Directeur de publication : Vincent Dousset / Responsable éditorial : Helene Katz
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