
TRAIL Newsletter#45 (LabEx TRAIL)

Envoyée le mercredi 30 novembre 2016
par LabEx TRAIL
TRAIL Laboratory of excellence, Translational Research and Advanced Imaging Laboratory

mercredi 30 novembre 2016

Newsletter TRAIL#45

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7th December 2016 - Félix María Goñi Urcelay, Doctor Honoris Causa of the University

  • Starting at 11:00 in the conference room of the Labri, Campus of Talence.
  • Lecture from Pr. Goñi Urcelay, "Cell membranes: exploiting the limits" given in English, French and Spanish.
  • Further details HERE.

SFRMBM symposium in Bordeaux : deadline for abstract submission soon !

  • The next SFRMBM will be held in Bordeaux on 13-15 March 2017,
  • Registrations are open, further details on the website : SFRMBM 2017

**Remember : DEADLINE for abstract submission  on 10th December 2016**


Jérôme Badaut and Grégory Barrière (INCIA teams), coordinators of a recently funded Era-Net Neuron European project.

Jérôme Badaut (Brain Molecular Imaging team, INCIA) and Gregory Barrière (Coordinations and Plasticities of Spinal Generators team, INCIA) are the coordinators of the TRAINS consortium (Time dependent Remote Alterations after Injury to the Nervous System) recently awarded a 1.2 million Euros ERA-NET grant.

The TRAINS consortium comprises internationally recognized experts in the field of brain and spinal cord injury; 6 teams from 5 countries : Drs Barrière and Badaut (France), Pr. Selmaj (Poland), Drs Dambrova & Zvejniece (Latvia), Dr Plesnila (Germany), Dr Schwartz (Israel), Dr Gressens (France).

Injury to the brain and/or the spinal cord results in long-term sensory and motor deficits in patients. Traditionally it was believed that these impairments are solely caused by initial local brain/spinal cord damage. However, an increasing body of evidence now indicates that in addition to these acute local changes, distant areas of the central nervous system connected to the primarily injured area are also critically affected. The six teams will join their effort in an integrative approach to unravel the mechanisms resulting in the remote changes after CNS injury, and to explore novel therapeutic strategies aimed at preventing long-term functional deficits following traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries.

Contacts :,

Charles Castets defended his PhD thesis on 25th November 2016 in the conference room of the RMSB Center (Bordeaux).

"On the use of spiral acquisition for parametric an functional imaging at high magnetic field."

Supervisor : Pr Jean-Michel Franconi

RMSB Center, CNRS UMR5536 /University of Bordeaux

The aim of this PhD project was to significantly reduce acquisition times required for 3D imaging and to develop robust quantitative techniques allowing longitudinal studies.To these ends, innovative methods have been developed at very high magnetic field (7T) and validated on healthy and diseased mouse models. All the protocols developed in this PhD project were validated in terms of robustness and showed that MRI can be a technique both rapid and quantitative.

Charles Castets published 3 papers from this thesis work :

2 collaborations :

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Mentions légales - Labex Trail
Directeur de publication : Vincent Dousset / Responsable éditorial : Helene Katz
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